Skyline Rosevale is an existing working cattle property within the beautiful Scenic Rim, 70km southwest of Brisbane. Paddock were engaged by a private client to prepare on overall masterplan for the property to cater for a new farmstay and future expansion of the property.
The existing property is located within a remote area with commanding views to Flinders Peak and range to the north. An existing homestead is located on the primary ridge within the property, surrounded by existing farm structures.
The design establishes a legible entry to the property, framed by the introduction of two significant ‘forests’ of endemic species. These forests frame views into the property, but also from within to the northern Flinders Peak and ranges and south to the Main Range National Park.
The design around the existing homestead reflects the character of the property. Outdoor terraces and function spaces provide opportunities to entertain, relax and enjoy the commanding views. A series of new pathways connects the various uses of the property, including the working farm, event spaces, parking areas and orchid.
Careful consideration of material selection and constructability was required due to the remote location of the property. Existing site materials were re-used on site where possible and new materials were selected to ensure they were affordable and easily transported to site. This includes a palette of robust materials, such as sandstone, hardwood timbers and decomposed granite, reflecting the existing character of the farm. Plant selection utilises species endemic to the area, including a mixture of hardy and robust native grasses, shrubs and canopy trees.
Paddock produced an overall masterplan for the property to enable the works to be delivered as a staged approach. Paddock are currently engaged to design and document an additional stage to the project including additional farmstay accommodation.
Client: Skyline Farmhouse
Graphics: Paddock
Photos: Fast Focus, Francesca Owen, Paddock